Make Up the Price Difference of $1

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$1.00 USD
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$1.00 USD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Detlef Urban
Burson v7c

Perfect Match in the Preamp section with the Virtual HiFi supersonic opamps.

Ronald Lemon

Make Up the Price Difference of $1

Peter Knichal
After sale care

I have had the Fosi BT20 for some years now. For some reason the power supply went bad so I have bought another one from a third party on Ebay. Unfortunately, that one did not last very long and therefore I contacted Fosi for the help. Although the audio amp is long time out of the warranty, I was offered a new power supply for very reasonable cost which was supplied some days later. This time I made sure that all possible unnecessary power draw was removed (local volume control) and I hope the present power supply is going to last. Kudos to Fosi!

Richard Moreau
Worst Remotes Ever

Nice idea but paying $10 to ship a broken remote - my third one - to myself is not satisfying at all!

david chun
It fixed the problem.

Thank You Summer. It was fun.